Rayburn rides into Whiskey Gulch and takes Miz Maggie under his spell.
He is a man of few words and the town folk fall quiet as Rayburn Lee stakes his claim on the lovely one who stole his heart.
Rayburn Lee is heard to say, "Oh Miz Maggie honey, I been lovin you since I first laid my eyes upon you. C'mon darlin, I'm aimin to take you from the saloon an all it holds for you".
Rayburn Lee itched to take Maggie Rose far away from the city lights to the little humble adobe shack he called "home". In fact the only thing missing from it being a home was a woman. It was his great desire to teach Maggie Rose the art of shooting.
Rayburn Lee had secrets. Secrets that had brought him heartache. Woman secrets. He was solid though. And a finer man there was not. His Momma had done him right.
Maggie Rose had a spunk about her that excited Rayburn Lee. She had been a wanderer and Rayburn Lee had set his sights on taming his Miz Maggie. He knew the two of them together was a force to be reckoned with.
The skedaddled off on old Blaze and that was the last that town folk of Whiskey Gulch heard from them.
Some say they did just what Rayburn Lee had in mind. Others ain't so sure.
All would agree though that Rayburn Lee and Maggie Rose was a sure fit and could just plain tickle one another with their quiet to spunky ways.
Oh, I did enjoy this! The humble abode shack! Hee hee, and him wnating to teach her the art of shooting! Soooo good! Suzie. xxx