Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher .
Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.
Had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
Feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us.
What an awesome name....Jesus!....................Truly the reason for this season.

A woman and her husband had been happily married (most of the time) for five years but hadn't been blessed with a baby.
She decided to do some serious praying and promised God that if he would
give them a child, she would be a perfect mother, love it with all her heart and raise it with His word as her guide.
God answered her prayers and blessed them with a son.
The next year God blessed them with another son.
The following year, He blessed them with yet another son.
The year after that they were blessed with a daughter.
Her husband thought they'd been blessed right into poverty. They now had four
children, and the oldest was only four years old.
She learned never to ask God for anything unless she meant it As a minister
once said, "If you pray for rain, make sure you carry an umbrella."
She began reading a few verses of the Bible to the children each day as they
lay in their cribs.
She was off to a good start. God had entrusted her with four children and she
didn't want to disappoint Him.
She tried to be patient the day the children smashed two dozen eggs on the
kitchen floor searching for baby chicks.
She tried to be understanding... when they started a hotel for homeless
frogs in the spare bedroom, although it took nearly two hours to catch all twenty-three frogs.
When the daughter poured ketchup all over herself and rolled up in a
blanket to see how it felt to be a hot dog, she tried to see the humor rather
than the mess.
In spite of changing over twenty-five thousand diapers, never eating a hot
meal and never sleeping for more than thirty minutes at a time, she still
thanked God daily for her children.
While she couldn't keep her promise to be a perfect mother - she didn't even
come close... she did keep her promise to raise them in the Word of God.
She knew she was missing the mark just a little when she told her daughter they were going to church to worship God , and she wanted to bring a bar of soap
along to "wash up" Jesus, too.
Something was lost in the translation when she explained that God gave us
everlasting life, and her son thought it was generous of God to give us
his "last wife."
Her proudest moment came during the children's Christmas pageant.
Their daughter was playing Mary, two of the sons were shepherds and her
youngest son was a wise man. This was their moment to shine.
The five-year-old shepherd had practiced his line, "We found the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes ."
But he was nervous and said, "The baby was wrapped in wrinkled clothes."
Four-year-old "Mary" said, "That's not 'wrinkled clothes,' silly. That's
dirty, rotten clothes."
A wrestling match broke out between Mary and the shepherd and was stopped
by an angel, who bent her halo and lost her left wing.
She slouched a little lower in her seat as Mary dropped the doll
representing Baby Jesus, and it bounced down the aisle crying,
Mary grabbed the doll, wrapped it back up and held it tightly as the wise
men arrived.
Another son stepped forward wearing a bathrobe and a paper crown, knelt
at the manger and announced, "We are the three wise men , and we are
bringing gifts of gold, common sense and fur."
The congregation dissolved into laughter, and the pageant got a standing
"I've never enjoyed a Christmas program as much as this one," laughed
the pastor, wiping tears from his eyes
"For the rest of my life, I'll never hear the Christmas story without
thinking of gold, common sense and fur."
"My children are my pride and my joy and my greatest blessing," she said as
she dug through her purse for an aspirin.
The End
From the mouths of babes! Hope you enjoyed this little story and you enjoy your day! Warm Holiday Hugs,mizmollye
What a sweet story. Our children are so precious, even when they see things much differently than we do. If we could only keep them small forever. I would have loved to have been at that Christmas play.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed reading this. some very funny moments your friend has had with her chidren. I remember taking our newphew to church with us one Christmas eve , he was about 4 I think, and he asked quite loudly during mass.... who died? aparently he thought we were at a funeral! god bless the children! Blessings to you always.
Good Morning Mollye...
ReplyDeleteHi sweetie. I have to tell you this is just the sweetest story ever. I will think of it every time I think of gold, common sense and fur. How absolutely adorable is that.
I would venture to say these children all grew up to be ministers of God. That would be the happy ending to this story. The Moma did very good.
Have a beautiful day sweetie.
Country hugs...Sherry
That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. What a great story, Mollye!
Sheila :-)
Good morning Mollye, I so enjoyed this precious story....we have such delight in our children...just think what Jesus thinks of us!!! I hope you have a wonderful blessed Holiday sweetie...(((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, that was Laugh Out Loud GREAT! Thanks! (And good morning from me, which you should probably translate into Good Afternoon for your time zone!)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful day! Vanessa